Reflection of Self

Happy Friday!  Welcome to the Iron Made Gym Newsletter.  Our goal with this production is to share information with our unique community that will help you reach your goals.
Today I want to address the idea of brain chemistry, the battle of how you feel about yourself when you are by yourself.  Do you feel proud of who you are?  Are you happy with who you are?  Perhaps when you boil it down, the thing you are chasing is fulfillment.  So let me ask you this simple question, think hard about who influences you the most.  Got it?  Now dwell on this quote from Mel Robbins, “The most influential person in your life is you.  When you start to realize that you have the most influence over everything in your life, good and bad, it’s a game changer.”
I hope that hit home with you.  The moment you take control of your thoughts and vision of yourself, the more successful you will become.  Take responsibility for your actions and thoughts, because for good or bad, you alone are responsible.  
On May 5th, 2018 I had the honor of being inducted into the Mohawk High School Hall of Fame.  I specifically discuss: I am no one special, passion, purpose, and my life’s why.  God affirmed my ‘why’ as the privilege of serving our customers and clients in their day to day lives, to share with them their best days but also their worst, inside our four walls of Iron Made and in our communities.  I aim to treat everyone with genuine love, empathy, and generosity.  I fail daily, but that will not diminish my efforts.  I hope you all feel loved in our unique family.  You mean a great deal to me.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Mr. Carr gave a warm introduction, I begin speaking at the three minute mark.  Also added is an audio tribute to my family.  I hope this inspires you to find your ‘why’.  Watch the induction speech here:
Follow us on our social media platforms!   
We are committed to offering free personal training sessions two times a week, and we promote these via our social media platforms.
Until next time Iron Made Community.
Micah 6:8  “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Many Blessings,
Kevin Byers
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