Today We Celebrate!

​Happy Friday!  Welcome to the Iron Made Gym Newsletter.  Our goal with this production is to share information with our unique community that will help you reach your goals.
Today’s issue is purely celebration.  We have so many people and events to speak of so let’s get started.
Dominic Merolillo swore in to the United States Air Force on 5/30/18.  To say that he worked relentlessly for this achievement is an understatement.  He is a great example of failing forward and developing grit to reach his goal, he did not quit.  “The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison
You can find his swearing in video here:

This is the first year Iron Made has offered a Senior Scholarship Award to three school districts:  Mohawk, Springfield, and Poland.  The top five from each school were interviewed and also evaluated from their application form.  We aimed to make our essay questions drastically different than anything else the students would encounter.  They included the following questions:
1.  Describe a circumstance in your life in which ‘Grit’ was cultivated.
2.  Do you believe in the concept of ‘Failing Forward’? Explain.
3.  Describe a time you fully immersed yourself in a goal you set for yourself.
4.  Do you believe there is a difference between motivation and inspiration? Explain.
5.  What is your ‘Why’? 
6.  Do you believe there is a difference between passion and purpose? Explain.  Have you found yours?
7.  In your entire school career thus far, what are the top three life lessons you will carry with you?
We are excited to announce the following winners:
Poland – Mark Pompeo
Springfield – Ivy Withers
Mohawk – Jeremiah Shillingburg

​We also want to say thank you to all our military men and women who have served and are serving to protect the United States of America.  Thank you for your selfless act of courage.
Follow us on our social media platforms!  
We are committed to offering free personal training sessions two times a week, and we promote these via our social media platforms.
Until next time Iron Made Community.
Micah 6:8  “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Many Blessings,
Kevin Byers
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