New Equipment  // Grant

Happy Friday!  Welcome to the Iron Made Gym Newsletter.  Our goal with this production is to share information with our unique community that will help you reach your goals.

We hope you have gotten the opportunity to try our three new pieces of equipment in the past week.  Last week we introduced the T-bar row to you.  This week we want to demonstrate our new bench and grip machine.
Ed demonstrates a banded pinned bench press here:

​This bench has a couple of great features you can see implemented here.  Band pegs are a great addition.  By having pegs instead of attaching to the frame, as in the past, the pressing tension stays on a vertical axis as opposed to diagonal pulling you backward toward the frame.  On the rack arms these have an adjustable feature.  This is a great feature mainly due to the wide variety of arm lengths during the un-rack and re-rack.  The safest part of this bench is the spotter arms.  Now you can have a spotter without being inside the rack or having a lifting partner.  This competition bench also has a wider pad that has a grippe texture to help lock your upper back in place while benching without slipping while being safer for your shoulders.
Ed demonstrates the grip machine here:

This is a GREAT tool to build a better grip.  This makes grip training easier as it can take place of bar wrist curls.  A method I like to implement is doing 75% of my total reps without my pointer finger.  When grip fails, more often than not, it starts with the pinky.  Give it a try!

Lastly, we are searching the internet and asking our surrounding network if you know of any grants available for small businesses looking to expand.  If you have any ideas, or have experience in grant writing, please contact me.  Thank you!

Try these variations and new equipment and let us know how you like them!  Have a great weekend.

“An eternal perspective will affect how we make choices.  It stresses the important over the urgent, need over want, service over pleasure, people over things.  ‘People and the Word of God are eternal.  Most everything else is temporal.  Make sure you invest in the
-Jerry Sittser in the Will of God as a Way of Life

Until next time Iron Made Community.

​Best Regards,
Kevin Byers

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