Snapchat Filter // Shirts
Happy Friday! Welcome to the Iron Made Gym Newsletter. Our goal with this production is to share information with our unique community that will help you reach your goals.
Introducing our summer 2019 snapchat filter!
Please feel free to post pictures and videos from our facility and don’t forget to add the filter! By adding your post to your story it helps us a great deal with our marketing. Thank you, it means a great deal.
Missed out on our 10 year anniversary t-shirts? Don’t worry, we still have many sizes in stock!
Missed out on our 10 year anniversary t-shirts? Don’t worry, we still have many sizes in stock!
Follow us on our social media platforms!
We are committed to offering free personal training sessions two times a week, and we promote these via our social media platforms.
Until next time Iron Made Community.
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8
Best Regards,
Kevin Byers