Band Lat Press Down // 2019 Summer Thank You
Happy Friday! Welcome to the Iron Made Gym Newsletter. Our goal with this production is to share information with our unique community that will help you reach your goals.
During our back day this week we implemented a lat press down variation using bands.
During our back day this week we implemented a lat press down variation using bands.
We found the correct depth entailed looping the orange band around the cable handles then hanging the band off the top pegs from the power racks. We knelt down and focused on keeping our chest high, core tight, and arms slightly bent to isolate the lats. Watch Peyton as he demonstrates here:
I wanted to tell all of you specifically who were a part of our summer Iron Made environment, thank you! We had a great productive summer. It was a pleasure to meet and serve so many new customers. I look forward to serving all of you in the near future.
‘The one thought that blocks our potential: ‘I already know this’’. – Jay Shetty
Until next time Iron Made Community.
Best Regards,
Kevin Byers