Applied Knowledge is Power

​Happy Friday!  Welcome to the Iron Made Gym Newsletter.  Our goal with this production is to share information with our unique community that will help you reach your goals.

I love free educational items, especially those which I know will move me toward my goals.  I recently came across a free E-Book called The Vault – A Decade of PR-Shattering Training Tips By Dave Tate.  It includes Tips on Bench, Squat, Deadlift, and covers programing as well as generosity (paying it forward).

Dave’s bio reads as the following:  Dave Tate ‘Under The Bar’ is the founder and CEO of Inc.. Dave has been involved with powerlifting for over three decades, coach, consultant and business owner. He has logged more than 20,000 hours of strength consulting with professional, elite and novice athletes, as well as with professional strength coaches, authored 20 books and written more than 500 articles for magazines and prominent websites. Dave works as a business adviser, speaker, coach, and author, he shows how athletic disciplines teach valuable lessons for overall achievement. He lives with his family in London, Ohio.

Information is not the issue, all we ever need is at our fingertips.  Our issue lies in the application.  Therefore, act to better yourself daily. 

I sincerely hope this free resource helps you move toward your goals.  You can find it here:

We also want to say congratulations to our trainer Mr. Frank Shaffer on passing his CSCS test and became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist!  We are proud of you.
Follow us on our social media platforms!  

We are committed to offering free personal training sessions two times a week, and we promote these via our social media platforms.

Until next time Iron Made Community.

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it..”  – Dwight D. Eissenhower

Many Blessings,
Kevin Byers

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