New Equipment // March Madness Winner
If you have visited our facility in the last week you have noticed some big changes. Huge thank you to Matt Brenner, Robert Stouffer, Al Rivalsky Sr., Al Rivalsky Jr., and Kris Young. Without their help not a single of these changes could have occurred. Our welcome desk is new and smaller allowing for more equipment space. We took the three steppers and the bike and put them in the back room. This opened up our floor space to allow us to bring in a seated back extension machine, lat pull down machine with rotating handles, and seated chest supported multi grip row machine. We upgrade two olympic bars to two Rogue power bars with center knurling for squatting purposes. A Rogue weight loadable sled with tow straps has also been added. We also are made some adjustments to our cable accessory rack by mounting pegs for smaller items on the jungle. In the near future will have wall attachments for bar storage. As we look to maximize the efficiency of our space we would love your input. With all of the new equipment we will be sure to include demo videos in our upcoming newsletters.
We are committed to offering free personal training sessions two times a week, and we promote these via our social media platforms.
Until next time Iron Made Community.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.” – Peter Diamandis
Best Regards,
Kevin Byers