Bill Mounts // Plank and Press

Happy Friday!  Welcome to the Iron Made Gym Newsletter.  Our goal with this production is to share information with our unique community that will help you reach your goals.

We wanted to take a moment to mourn the loss of our friend Bill Mounts.  He passed away the morning of September 28th.  He was a leader in the New Middletown area for many years.  He was an accomplished business owner and a kind hearted man.  Bill and I were friends on social media prior to meeting.  I remember when my son was born Bill decorated our yard with welcome home and congratulations signs.  He always went out of his way to be kind.  Last year Bill even brought a homemade apple pie to the gym.  We enjoyed seeing him the last two years at the Canfield Fair as well.  Bill was a fighter, he battled many health concerns during the last couple years and yet always kept his faith in God and spoke with encouragement.  Thank you Bill, for living life with a servant’s heart.  You may find his obituary here:

We have two great variations for you to try this week.  The first one is a cable lat press down on the incline bench.  I specifically like this variation because it isolates your lats without engaging your lower extremities.  It also allows a longer range of motion reaching behind your head and ending at your waist.

​Next is a plank variation using the ab roller.  Slightly bend your arms when executing this movement and be sure to keep a tight core with feet planted.

 “Why do the wise have so few problems compared with the rest of us?
First – the wise seem to manage expectations as much as possible.  They rarely expect what isn’t possible in the first place.
Second – the wise always consider both the best and worst case scenarios.  They don’t just think about what very realistically can happen if things were to suddenly turn.
Third – the wise act with reverse clause – meaning that they not only consider what might go wrong, but they are prepared for that to be exactly what they want to happen – it is an opportunity for excellence and virtue” – Ryan Holiday

Until next time Iron Made Community.

Best Regards,
Kevin Byers

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